These Dangerous Items For Dogs Are Hiding in Your House

While pet parents are savvy, sometimes our dogs can outsmart us. You know to keep the chocolate and grapes out of reach, but do you know about the other unsafe items that may be lurking in your house? Read on for some surprisingly dangerous household items for dogs. Insecticides Share your home with insects? Roommates […]

By The Farmer's Dog | July 3, 2017


While pet parents are savvy, sometimes our dogs can outsmart us. You know to keep the chocolate and grapes out of reach, but do you know about the other unsafe items that may be lurking in your house? Read on for some surprisingly dangerous household items for dogs.


Share your home with insects? Roommates are the worst. Keep chemicals and traps away from your dog as they can cause serious health issues. Ant or roach traps, for instance, can be swallowed and cause choking, while fly, slug, or snail poisons are also dangerous for dogs.


Rodenticides (aka rat poison) and anticoagulants or phosphorus are extremely harmful to pets. Watch your dog carefully if you’re trying to trap rats, as rodenticides use deadly attractants that can also entice your pup.


Fertilizers sprayed in your backyard usually contain phosphorus and nitrogen which are both harmful for dogs. Chemicals used for insect or weed issues can also be highly toxic for your pup.


The toxin ethylene glycol that is present in antifreeze makes it lethal for dogs. Antifreeze poisoning affects the brain, liver, and kidneys, so always keep containers securely closed and store them out of your dog’s reach.  


Many household laundry detergents contain ulcerous, a fatal chemical for dogs. When ingested in smaller amounts, these chemicals can also cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting or diarrhea.

Heavy Metals

Lead, zinc, and pennies are particularly toxic for dogs. Pups who swallow paint chips or pennies should be watched closely and may have to make an emergency trip to the veterinarian, so store the piggy bank on a higher shelf.


Winter with a dog means watching those paws, as pups can poison themselves from licking paws after walking on a sidewalk laden with de-icers. Wipe those paws clean in snowier months to keep your pup safe.


Got a green thumb? Garden with caution; there are a surprising number of flowers that can be dangerous for your dog. The list includes lilies, tulips, azaleas, rhododendrons, and more.


If your dog likes to climb, keep those medicine cabinets locked. Pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil can wreak havoc on your dog’s oxygen flow and liver functions due to the presence of acetaminophen.

A little strategic organizing around the house can help prevent your dog from getting into trouble when you’re not around. Worried your dog has gotten into something dangerous? The ASPCA’s Poison Control Center answers calls 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at 1-888-426-4435. 

Image: @sophiegamand 

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