Health Why You Shouldn’t Use Laser Pointers to Play With Your Dog Here’s why it’s best to keep your dog away from laser pointers, plus some safer alternatives for when you want to give them a physical and mental workout.
Health What Is Palatability—and Why Is It So Important for a Dog’s Food? Ensuring that a dog likes to eat their food is not just a nice thing to do. It matters to their health.
Fresh Food Meet Our On-Staff, Board-Certified Nutritionists Every recipe from The Farmer’s Dog is developed by our on-staff, board-certified nutritionists. Here’s why that’s so important.
Fresh Food Why You Shouldn’t Free-Feed Your Dog Here’s why it’s a bad idea to leave food sitting out in a bowl for your dog to consume as they see fit.
Conditions What Is Panosteitis? Everything to know about this mysterious (but not life-threatening) disease.
Health What to Know About Vestibular Disease in Dogs It may be distressing to see a sudden loss of coordination in your dog, but there may a treatable condition behind it.
Conditions What to Know About Rabies in Dogs Staying up-to-date on your dog’s rabies vaccination is crucial—and often the law.
Conditions Pica in Dogs: How to Spot It and When to Be Concerned Pica is a disorder in which dogs compulsively ingest things that aren’t food, like clothing, garbage, paper, dirt, plastic, rocks, and even metal. Read on for when to call your vet.
Health Why Is My Senior Dog Shaking? Shaking is common in older dogs, but you should still speak to your vet if you notice it in your senior. With the guidance of a vet professional, you can manage most conditions that cause shaking and help your senior pup be more comfortable at home.
Health Pet-Care Industry Acronyms, Explained When you pick up a package of your dog’s food, or do research about how to care for them, you may find yourself overwhelmed by an alphabet soup of acronyms whose significance is not immediately clear. What does this deluge of letters mean for your dog’s health? Here’s a primer.
Health Can My Dog Ever Take Human Medications? Spoiler: you should never give your dog any medications made for humans—whether prescription or over-the-counter—without talking with your vet.
Health Are Dogs’ Mouths Really Cleaner Than Humans’ Mouths? Despite the old saying that dogs mouths are “cleaner” than humans, the story is more complicated than that. Find out more about what really happens when you’re on the receiving end of dog kisses.
Conditions Everything to Know About Cushing’s Disease in Dogs Cushing’s disease, caused by the overproduction of cortisol, can be dangerous if left untreated in dogs. Here’s how to spot Cushing’s in your dog, and how veterinarians may treat it.
Health How Often Should a Dog Fart? Like people, dogs fart when they have excess gas in their intestinal tracts. This can result from digestion, bacteria in the colon, or swallowing air. Some amount of farting is normal. Here’s what to watch for, and when to call your vet.
Health How to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy By the time they reach the age of three, at least 80% of dogs face dental disease—and when bacteria from periodontal disease gets into a dog’s bloodstream, it can cause serious issues in the heart, liver, and kidneys. But you can make a positive difference in your dog’s dental health by following these tips.