Conditions Pica in Dogs: How to Spot It and When to Be Concerned Pica is a disorder in which dogs compulsively ingest things that aren’t food, like clothing, garbage, paper, dirt, plastic, rocks, and even metal. Read on for when to call your vet.
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Put Their Paw On Me? Dogs put their paw on your for different reasons, including to express affection or seek attention (but mainly because we like and reinforce it).
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Howl? A deeply ingrained behavior, howling can be your dog’s way of replying to another perceived howl, and saying “I’m here.”
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Scratch the Ground After Pooping? Scratching the ground after potty breaks could be your dog’s way of sending a visual or olfactory message. Or it might just feel good.
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Eat (and Roll in) Grass? Dogs may eat grass to cure stomach woes (or they might not). Dogs may roll in disgusting things IN the grass for pure sensory stimulation.
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Circle Before Pooping and Lying Down? The mystery of why dogs circle before pooping might have something to do with the Earth’s magnetic field. Or not.
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Sniff Butts? It’s not what we’d call elegant, but a quick sniff of another dog’s rear end conveys an astounding amount of information.
Training & Behavior Hungry Eyes: Why Is My Dog Staring at Me, You, The Wall Locking eyes with a dog can mean so many things. Here’s what you might see when you look into their eyes.
Training & Behavior Why Is My Dog Licking? The meaning of your dog’s licks depends on where, when, and how they’re licking!
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Get Zoomies? Aaannnd they’re off. Here’s (possibly) why your dog is rocketing around your yard .
Training & Behavior Why Does My Dog Tilt Their Head? In our series explaining “why do dogs do these things,” we take on one of the cutest of all weird behaviors—the head tilt.